Wednesday, March 08, 2006


God I'm awkward.  When my roommate was gone this weekend I:

1. broke the washer and flooded the apartment (and I believe the downstairs neighbor's apartment)
2. broke living room curtain when I tried to raise it
3. broke the kitchen light by turning it on.... 
4. sliced my thumb open while opening my fraggle rock calendar
5. hurt my other finger when I was closing the band-aid case

You shouldn't trust me in your house, next to small children, or with sharp objects... ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Thomas Jeffrey okay though?

I also have this years Fraggle Rock calendar. Oh I don't. I had it last year. I forgot. I actually turned to look at it when I typed that but in it's place is "Overhead views of Wisconsin" or something like that. I got it free from the Lake Mills Pharmacy. Actually, my mom got it free and gave it to me. This month's picture is of Madison so I can sort of see where I live.