Friday, April 14, 2006


I HATE pantyhose, with a passion. I feel like the feminist movement has not actually succeeded if we are still expected to wear it. If given the choice between the right to vote and the right to not wear pantyhose, I'm not quite sure which one I'd choose.

It is itchy, hell to get on, and tears easily. What is the point of it? It's transparent, so it doesn't count as pants (like tights), and is never worn alone... only with things that would be fine when worn sans pantyhose.

It was obviously invented by a man. He was just sitting there one day when he thought of making uncomfortable, hot, transparent pants for women. Apparently he thought to himself "Great idea, Bob!" His [male] friends probably cheered him on and gave him compliments. It may have been the high point of his entire life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If any job requires you to wear pantyhose, but doesn't require the male employees to wear them, sue them for sex discrimination.

At least legally, the feminists have won here. With makeup, too. But people can still be fired (or not hired) for being ugly.

Do tights really count as pants? I think you should visit