Monday, October 08, 2007

My Perfect Day

Thank you, Columbus, for giving me today off from work. This inspired me to determine my mundane yet perfect day...

9:00 AM: Wake up, fully rested
9:02 AM: Starbucks - get coffee, donut, and New York Times
9:05 AM: Return home, drink coffee, eat donut, read New York Times
10:00 AM: Shower
10:30 AM: Go to park (it would be a nice 55 degrees out)
10:45 AM: Read in park
12:00 PM: Get turkey sandwich from deli, eat
1:00 PM: Nap
2:30 PM: Gym
3:30 PM: Do some work
6:00 PM: Meet friends for something
9:00 PM: Watch some TV, go to bed.

I could do this every day, forever.


Kristin R. said...

Can I come??????

shamrock said...
